Tuesday, February 19, 2008

1st Camping Trip of 2008

The weather has been so beautiful down here for the last week. We decided to go camping on the Rogue River, near Galice, on Saturday after we got all of our chores done. We packed our tent, sleeping bags, hobos (tin-foil stew you cook in the fire), and bottle of wine (I forgot the camera) and made the hour drive north. Our spot was set above the river, in between doug firs. It was so nice. The temperature was perfect. We just wore a long sleeve shirt by the fire. Dinner and wine were great. We opened a bottle of Cab Sav (Next by King Estates, thanks Kimballs!) and enjoyed the sound of the river and the moon shadows surrounding us.
Sunday morning we made some gluten free grits for breakfast and did a 4 mile hike/trail run down to Rainy Falls. It was chilly. Then we headed home. We picked up groceries for the week. Such a fun and productive weekend.
When we got home we rode our bikes 4 miles to our favorite local winery, Weisingers. It was a great way to enjoy the rest of the beautiful day.
Have a great week. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Loeb State Park - Chetco River

We had a great weekend with our friends Daniel and Janette (we were firefighters on the same crew in 2001 & 2002). We chose to come hear for three reasons: 1) we have never been there 2) steelhead fishing 3) hiking. It was a 2.5hr drive from Ashland. We arrived Friday night to our little cabin in Loeb State Park after dropping my friend Kira off at her grandma's house in Brookings for the weekend.

Trey and Daniel got up bright and early to fish. Trey caught a native steelhead and threw it back. He was stoked on the catch. The guys saw elk and a bald eagle.

The weather was AMAZING! I was in a t-shirt and jeans on Saturday exploring the gorgeous crystal clear/turquoise Chetco River. We did a nice hike near the cabin. It went through some redwoods.

On Sunday we stopped by the beach right by Brookings.

Trey and Janette went for a swim in the ocean.

Good weekend with good friends!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

What we do these days

Happy Saturday. I do love the weekend. I work M-F 8-4 for a company called Sky Research. My position is a GIS Analyst. In a nut shell, I make maps. If you are curious about the company check out their website: www.skyresearch.com . I have worked here for 1.5 years. Yesterday, I had an eye check-up. I found out that I am going near sided. Lovely. I got prescribed a pair of glasses that will help take the stress off my eyes while I am at work. Be careful all you 40hr-a-week-computer-workers, don't ruin your eyes and have good posture. A good rule is 20-20-20. Every 20 minutes look 20 ft away for 20s seconds. My problem is, I just have to remember to do it.
Justin works for a company called Upper Limb-It. It is a tree service, they limb, prune, and remove trees. He will be learning to climb trees soon. Right now he is a ground man. He loves his job.
We try to stay pretty active. We climb at an indoor gym during the week and run the trails around town. When we do something interesting I will make a post. Have a great, safe weekend. Love the Travers.